1. Ayurvedic Name:Chakkarakkolli.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name: Gymnema sylvestre (Retz.) R.Br.
Features: A large, woody climber. Leaves simple, opposite, elliptic, pointed at the end; flowers small, yellow in umbellate cymes, axillary; fruits slender, brownish follicles.
Plant pacifies vitiated vata, hepato-splenomegaly, renal and vesical calculi, constipation, asthma and leukoderma.Useful part : Whole plant.
2. Ayurvedic Name:Chandanam.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name: Santalum album Linn.
Family: Santalaceae.
Features:A medium sized evergreen plant grows up to 20 meters in height. Plant is a root parasite. Leaves simple opposite, elliptic-lanceolate, glabrous, entire; flowers brown or purple in terminal and axillary panicle, fruits globose drupes, dark purple when ripe, seeds hard and globose. Heartwood is light yellow colored and scented.
Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, burning sensation, headache, hyper prespration, skin disease, psychotic ailments, memory loss, cardio myopathy, ulcer, jaundice, cough and inflammations. Useful part : Heartwood.
3. Ayurvedic Name:Changalamparanda.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name: Cissus Quadrangualaris Linn.
Features:A tendril climber with stout fleshy quadrangular stem. Tendrils are opposite to leaves, long and simple. Leaves are alternate, simple, reniform and sometimes toothed. Flowers are short greenish in shortly peduncled cyme. Fruits are ovoid red berry. Sometimes Arial root arises from the nodes grow downwards and strike the soil and act as normal roots.
Plant pacifies vitiated kapha, vata, piles, osteoporosis, anorexia and fracture. Useful part : Plant as a whole.
4. Ayurvedic Name:Chemparatty.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn.
Features:An evergreen woody shrub grows up to 8 meters in height. Leaves simple, bright green, ovate and serrate towards the end. Flowers are beautiful, solitary and axillary.
Plant pacifies vitiated kapha, pitta, cough, menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea, pruritus, burning sensation, fever, alopecia and dandruff. Useful part : Root, Fruit.
5. Ayurvedic Name:Chengazhineerkizhangu.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Kaempheria rotunda Linn.
Features:An aromatic shrub, having tuberous rootstalk and short stem; leaves simple, few, erect, oblong, with purplish underneath surface; flowers white an fragrant with purple lip in crowded spikes. Many roots bearing small oblong tubers arise from the rhizome.
Plant pacifies vitiated vata, kapha, inflammations, wounds, ulcers, blood clots and malignancy.Useful part : Tubers.
6. Ayurvedic Name:Cherukataladi.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Cyathula prostrata Blume.
Features:An annual herb usually found in moist localities. The ascending branch ends in inflorescence. Stems and branches are greenish red. Leaves are simple, opposite, exstipulate and short petioled. Flowers reddish violet in terminal spikes, Fruit ovoid membranous utricles enclosed in the perinath. Seeds are oblong and single.
Plant pacifies vitiated vata, kapha, diseases of urinary system and uterine disorders. It has constipating property. Useful part : Roots and seeds.
7. Ayurvedic Name:Cherula.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Aerva lanata (Linn.) Juss.ex Schultes.
Features:A semi erect many branched under shrub grows up to 50 cm in height. Leaves are simple, alternate, short petioled, tomentose, and become smaller in the flowering twigs. Flowers are small sessile, greenish or whitish, often found in spikes. Fruits are greenish round compressed utricle, seeds kidney shaped and small.
Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, urinry infection, vesical calculi, cough, and boils. Useful part : Whole plant.
8. Ayurvedic Name:Cheruthekku.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Clerodendrum serratum (Linn.) Moon.
Features:A slightly woody shrub with bluntly quadrangular stems and branches, leaves usually three at a node, sometimes opposite oblong or elliptic, serrate; flowers blue, many in long cylindrical thyrsus; fruits 4 lobed purple durpe, somewhat succulent with one pyrene in each lobe.
Plant pacifies vitiated kapha, pitta, inflammations, anorexia, dyspepsia, flatulence, helminthiasis, cough, asthma, bronchitis, hiccough, chronic skin diseses, leucoderma, leprosy and fevers. The leaves can be used or external application in headache.Useful part : Root and Leaves.
9. Ayurvedic Name:Chittamritu.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Tinospora cordifolia (Wild.) Mires ex Hook.f. & Thoms.
Features:A spreading perennial deciduous twinner with succulent stems and easily pealing off papery bark. Leaves simple, alternate, cordate, entire, glabrous, with 7-9 nerves. Flowers yellow in recemes, arising from nodes on the old wood. Male flowers usually are in clusters and female solitary. Fruits are drupes, red when ripe. Mucilaginous greenish crust is covered with grey colored coat studded with tubercles.
Plant pacifies vitiated vata, pitta, burning sensation, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, cardiac debility, skin disease, anemia, cough, jaundice, oligospermia and urinary system diseases. Useful part : Stem.
10. Ayurvedic Name:Chittaratha.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Alpinia calcarata Rox.
Features:A perennial, aromatic, rhizomatous herb,1.8-2.1 m in height, leaves oblong, lanceolate, glabrous, acuminate, very shortly petioled, ligule short, rounded, ciliate, flowers fragrant, greenish white with red veined lips, in dense panicles; fruits capsules , orange red when ripe.
Plant pacifies vitiated vata, kapha, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammations, cough, asthma, bronchitis, hiccough, dyspepsia, stomach pain, obesity, diabetes, migraine and intermittent fevers.Useful part : rhizomes.
11. Ayurvedic Name:Cabbage.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Brassica oleracea Linn. var. capitata Linn.
Features:An erect biennial grows up to 50 cm in height. Leaves simple, basal and lower cauline, stout, dull green and upper leaves oblong-linear, fleshy, pale yellow. Flowers large, pale yellow in terminal racemes. Fruits linear pods, one seeded, seed brown and globose.
Plant pacifies vitiated vata, pitta, itching, skin diseases, worm infestation, diarrhea, cough, asthma, fever, hemorrhoids, and gouty arthritis. Useful part : Upper leaves.
12. Ayurvedic Name:Carrot.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Daucus carota Linn.
Features:A biennial herb grows up to 75 cm in height. Leaves pinnately compound, with several small dentate segments, upper leaves linear lanceolate; flowers small, white, in axillary umbels; fruits oblong with bristly hairs.
Plant pacifies vitiated vata, pitta, anorexia, flatulence, colic, worm infestation, diarrhea, heartburn, hyperacidity, cough, asthma, night blindness, myopia, tumor, hemorrhoid, diabetes and jaundice. Useful part : Tap root, Seeds.
13. Ayurvedic Name:Chamata.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub.
Features:A medium sized deciduous tree, grows up to 15 meters in height. Leaves imparipinnate, trifoliate, leaflets big, obtuse and glabrous. Flowers bright red, large, in racemes; fruits green pods, containing one seed.
Plant pacifies vitiated vata, kapha, hemorrhage, hemorrhoids, intestinal worms, diabetes, colic, flatulence, inflammation, arthritis, and skin diseases.Useful part : Bark, Leaves, Flowers, Seeds, Gum.
14. Ayurvedic Name:Champa.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Syzygium jambos (Linn.) Alston.
Features:A small sized evergreen tree grows up to 10 meters in height. Leaves simple, opposite, lanceolate and acute; flowers greenish white in terminal racemes. Fruits pale yellow, globose, sweet scented, with 1-2 seeds within.
Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, diarrhea, colic, wounds, ulcers, stomatitis, arthritis, and general debility. Useful part : Bark, Fruits.
15. Ayurvedic Name:Channakkizhangu.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Costus speciosus (Koenig ex Retz.) j.E.Smith.
Features:A perennial grows up to 1 meter in height. Leaves simple, spirally arranged, oblong-lanceolate; flowers white large found in terminal spikes; fruits globose capsule containing obovoid seeds.
Plant pacifies vitiated kapha, pitta, burning sensation, constipation, intestinal worms, skin diseases, fever, and bronchitis. Plant possesses anti-cancerous activity. Useful part : Rhizome.
16. Ayurvedic Name:Chappgnga.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Caesalpinia sappan Linn.
Features:A small to medium sized tree grows up to 10 meters in height. Leaves compound, with 8-10 pairs of oblong, small leaflets. Flowers yellow in terminal and axillary panicles. Fruits small woody pods, with 2-3 seeds. Stem covered with woody thons.
Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, burning sensation, wounds, ulcers, skin diseases, diarrhea, menorrhagia, leucorrhoea, diabetes, and stomatitis. Useful part : Heartwood.
17. Ayurvedic Name:Charmalanta.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Acacia sinuata (Lour.) Merr.
Features: perennial, woody, large climbing shrub grows on big trees. Leaves bipinnate, with sharp prickles on main rachis. Pinnate 8 -10 pairs, leaflets small, sessile; flowers small heads, fruits thin pods with 6-10 seeds per pod.
Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, skin disease, burning sensation, constipation, calculi, hemorrhoids, vitilligo and eczema. Useful part : Pods.
18. Ayurvedic Name:Chaturakkalli.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Euphorbia antiquorum Linn.
Features:A fleshy, branched shrub grows up to 5 meters in height. Stems are green colored, 3-5 winged, latex, having sharp spines on nodes. Leaves are small, deciduous. Involucres usually three, Fruits are capsules.
Plant pacifies vitiated kapha, vata, skin diseases, constipation, arthritis, ear ache, ulcers, asthma, edema, toxin, neuropathy, ascites and stomach distension. Useful part : Root, Juice.
19. Ayurvedic Name:Chaturamulla.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Myxopyrum serratulum A.W.Hill.
Features:A large woody climbing shrub with quadrangular stems. Leaves simple, opposite, elliptic and serrate. Flowers yellow in axillary or terminal panicles. Fruits obovoid berries with 2 seeds.
Plant pacifies vitiated kapha, vata, cough, asthma, arthritis, headache, low back pain, fever, neuropathy and wounds. Useful part : Roots, Leaves.
20. Ayurvedic Name:Cheleyam.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Parmelia perlata (Huds.) Ach.
Features: lichen growing on the substratum in irregular fashion. It is composed of a symbiotic colony of fungi and alga. Reproduction by spores, dispersed by wind.
Plant pacifies vitiated kapha, pitta, wounds, infections, inflammation, skin diseases, diarrhea, dysentery, cough, fever and renal calculi. Useful part : Whole lichen.
21. Ayurvedic Name:Chempu.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Colocasia esculenta (Linn.) Schott.
Features:An erect perennial herb grows up to 1.5 meters in height. Leaves pellate-ovate, with cordate lamina, in long petiole. Spadix shorter then petiole, inflorescence covered with spathe. Underground stems are swollen; fleshy, dark brown colored and much branched.
Plant pacifies vitiated vata, pitta, constipation, stomatitis, alopecia, hemorrhoids and general weakness. Corms and tender leaves are used as staple food in some parts of India. Useful part : Leaves, Corms.
22. Ayurvedic Name:Chena.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) (A.companulatus (Decne.) Sivad.
Features:A perennial erect herb with hemispherical underground corm. Leaves compound, large, single, stout petioled; leaflets or variable size, male and female flower are in single inflorescence, fruits berries, bright red when ripe, containing small seeds.
Plant pacifies vitiated vata, kapha, hemorrhoids, hemorrhage, arthritis, inflammation, vomiting, cough, anorexia, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, sexual weakness and general debility.Useful part : Corms.
23. Ayurvedic Name:Chenjalyam.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Shorea robusta Gaertn.f.
Features:A large deciduous tree grows up to 30 meters in height. Leaves simple, alternate, ovate oblong, acuminate, base cordate, with prominent nerves; flowers yellow, in lax axillary or terminal panicles. Fruits ovoid, with 5 wings, indehiscent, contain ovoid seeds.
Plant pacifies vitiated kapha, vata, nervine pain, arthritis, infection, wounds, ulcers, burns, pruritus, fracture, fever, hemorrhoid, menorrhagia, jaundice, splenomegaly, obesity, headache, and skin diseases. Useful part : Bark, Leaves, Resin, Fruits.
24. Ayurvedic Name:Cherry.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Prunus cerasoides D.Don.
Features:A small shrub grows up to 2 meters in height. Leaves simple, opposite, ovate-lanceolate, acute and glabrous. Flowers small solitary, pink colored, arises form leaf axils. Fruits greenish berries become bright red when ripe, contain 1-3 embedded seeds.
Plant pacifies vitiated kapha, pitta, vomiting, colic, indigestion, flatulence, blood vomiting, poison, kidney diseases, skin diseases, erysipelas, and discoloration of skin.Useful part : Fruits, Bark, Leaves.
25. Ayurvedic Name:Cherukara.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Canthium parviflorum Lam.
Features:A small thorny shrub grows up to 3 meters in height. Leaves simple, opposite, small, acute, with axillary spines; flowers white, small in axillary cymes. Fruits oblong two chambered drupe, become yellow when ripe.
Plant pacifies vitiated kapha, diarrhea, fever, leucorrhea, worm infestation and general debility. Useful part : Roots, Leaves.
26. Ayurvedic Name:Cherunarakam.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Citrus limon (Linn.) Burm.f.
Features: A large thorny shrub grows up to 2.5 meters in height. Leaves compound, with winged rachis, leaflets elliptic – oblong, alternate, entire or crenulate. Flowers white seen in short racemes. Fruits large oblong, berries, pale green when unripe and yellow when ripe. Pulp watery with acidic taste, seeds many with coriaceous testa.
Plant pacifies vitiated kapha, vata, flatulence, colic, anorexia, skin diseases, vomiting, fatigue, headache, cough, and peptic ulcer.Useful part : Fruits.
27. Ayurvedic Name:Cherupayar.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Vigna radiata (Linn.) Wilczek.
Features:An annual herb grows up to 60 cm in height. Leaves trifoliate, imparipinnate, leaflets entire, membranous; flowers in long pedicles, papilonacious; fruits thin cylindrical pods with 10-12 green, globular seeds in it.
Plant pacifies vitiated tridosha, general weakness, vertigo, neuropathy, peptic ulcer, indigestion, fever, and diarrhea. Useful part : Seeds, Roots.
28. Ayurvedic Name:Cherupunna.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Celastrus paniculatus Willd.
Features:A large climbing shrub with woody stem and elongate brances. Leaves simple, alternate, ovate – obovate, crenulate, coriaceous, flowers greenish white, in terminal panicles. Fruits capsules yellow colored, become bright red when ripe, contain 4 brown seeds.
Plant pacifies vitiated vata, kapha, mental retardation, skin diseases, itching, hemiplegia, arthritis, asthma, insomnia, amnesia, urinary retention and nephritis. Seeds widely used in intellect promoting ayurvedic combinations.Useful part : Root, Leaves, Seeds.
29. Ayurvedic Name:Chettikkoduveli.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Plumbago rosea Linn.
Features:A pretty perennial shrub with semi woody stems and numerous branches. Leaves simple alternate, oblong-lanceolate and acute; flower red, in long terminal spikes. Roots are cylindrical irregularly bent having transverse shallow fissures at bents.
Plant pacifies vitiated vata, kapha, diarrhea, inflammation, fever, nervous palsy, hemorrhoids, skin diseases, irritable bowel disease, amenorrhea and anemia. Useful part : Roots.
30. Ayurvedic Name:Chiravanakku.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Tridax procumbens Linn.
Features:A spreading annual herb grows up to 20 cm in height. Leaves simple, opposite, serrate or dentate, acute, fleshy and pubescent. Flowers in head, long stalked and whitish. Seeds are numerous, small with tuft of silky hairs on one side for wind dispersal.
Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, inflammation, wound, ulcers, anal fistula, and hemorrhoids.Useful part : Whole plant.
31. Ayurvedic Name:Chiteental.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Phoenix pusilla Gaertn.
Features:A shrubby short perennial monecious palm tree grows up to 4 meters in height. Leaves compound, pinnate, with sub opposite leflets, sword shaped and rigid. Flowers in spadix infloresence, enclosed in spathe, male white and female greenish. Fruits berries, black when ripe, enclosing stony seed.
Plant pacifies vitiated vata, pitta, burning sensation, fever, cardiac debility, peptic ulcer and general weakness.Useful part : Fruits, Root.
32. Ayurvedic Name:Cholam.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Zea mays Linn.
Features:An erect annual herb grows up to 5 meters in height. Leaves simple, linear lanceolate, with sheathing base, acuminate, and scrubby. Male spikelets are terminal racemes, female inflorescence axillary, with spikelets arranged around the woody axis, styles long and silky, protruding outside as a mass of threads. Grains are flattened, yellowish, and become stony hard when dried.
Plant pacifies vitiated kapha, pitta, general debility, anorexia, hemorrhoids, emaciation and is a staple food for some parts of India. Useful part : Grains.
33. Ayurvedic Name:Choondappana.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Caryota urens Linn.
Features:A tall handsome palm grows up to 30 meters of height. Leaves 5-6 m long, bipinnate, drooping; leaflets are fish tail shaped. Flowers seen in peculiar pendular spadix, inflorescence is long, resembling a women’s hair. Flowers in a group of three, central female guarded by two male flowers. Fruits globose, reddish when ripe.
Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, hyperdipsia, arthritis, burning sensation, migraine and general weakness. Useful part : Tender leaves, nuts, arrack obtained from flower stalk.
34. Ayurvedic Name:Chooral.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Calamus rotang Linn.
Features:A large spreading slender shrub with round yellowish stems. Leaves sheath glabrous below hollowed, truncate, with short ochrea, rachis near the base flat and smooth, leaflets numerous, 1 ribbed; flowers unisexual, spadix very long, female flowers scatted along the branched of spadix; fruits in minute perianth, sub globose, pale yellow.
Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, chronic fever, skin diseases, pruritus, burning sensation, cough, bronchitis, inflammation, calculi and general debility. Useful part : Fruits, seeds, petals, fruit extracts.
35. Ayurvedic Name:Choot.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Eriocaulon sp. Linn.
Features:An annual herb grows up to 30 cm in height. Leaves long linear lanceolate, arises from compressed basal stem. Flowers in small whitish head, at the tip of long flower stalk.
Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, inflammation, fever, prutitus, jaundice and urinary system diseases. Long flower stalks in bundle is using as broom to clean sacred places, in India. Useful part : Whole plant.
36. Ayurvedic Name:Choriyanam.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Tragia involucrata Linn.
Features:A perennial twinning herb with stinging hairs all over. Leaves simple, alternate, stipulate, oblong-lanceolate or ovate, serrate, base cordate or rounded, acuminate; flowers in axillary racemes, unisexual, female few, in lower part of inflorescence, male many in upper part. Fruits capsules, 3 lobed, containing 3 globose smooth seeds.
Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, constipation, hemorrhoids, diabetes, skin diseases, vomiting, vertigo, giddiness and headache. Useful part : Root, Leaves.
37. Ayurvedic Name:Chuvanakanakambaram.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Barleria prionitis Linn. (Red variety).
Features:An erect armed perennial shrub grows up to 1.5 meters in height. Leaves simple, opposite, ovate-lanceolate and shiny. Thorns arise near to leaf axils. Flowers bright violet red in color, solitary and axillary. Fruits ovate, with woody beak.
Plant pacifies vitiated vata, pitta, gingivitis, stomatitis, burns, dental caries, inflammations ascites, edema, wounds, nocturnal ejaculation and cracking heel.Useful part : Leaves.
38. Ayurvedic Name:Chuvanna amalpori.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Rauvolfia serpentina (Linn.) Benth. ex Kurz.
Features:A small erect shrub grows up to 60 cm in height. Leaves simple, in a whorl of three, thin, acuminate, oblong-lanceolate; flowers white, streaked with violet, found in cymes, fruits green drupes, become dark purple when ripe. Roots, cylindrical, yellowish brown and tortuous.
Plant pacifies vitiated kapha, vata, hypertension, insanity, epilepsy, insomnia, wounds, fever, colic and urinary retention, in controlled dose. Overdose cause giddiness and is toxic. Useful part : Root, Leaves.
39. Ayurvedic Name:Chuvanna arali.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Nerium indicum Mill. (N. oleander Linn).
Features:An evergreen shrub grows up to 4 meters in height. Leaves three in a whorl, sessile, linear, dark green above, acute, and lanceolate. Flowers red or rose colored and fragrant; fruits follicles.
Plant pacifies vitiated vata, skin diseases, renal or vesical calculi, stomatitis, arthritis, pruritus, cough, bronchitis, cardio-myopathy and ulcers. Overdose will cause toxic symptoms. Useful part : Roots, Leaves.
40. Ayurvedic Name:Chuvanna avanakku.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Ricinus communis Linn. (Red variety).
Features:A perennial, bushy, soft-wooded small tree with a thin grayish brown bark; leaves palmately lobed with seven or more serrate lobes; flowers monoecious in terminal red colored panniculate racemes with crowded male flowers on the upper half of the inflorescence and the pistillate at the basal half; fruits globose, explosively dehiscent, 3-seeded capsules, when young it is dull red and covered with fleshy prickles; seeds oblong with smooth, hard, mottled crustaceous testa with a white caruncle at the top enclosing oily and fleshy endosperm.
Plant pacifies vitiated vata, abdominal discomfort, constipation, inflammation, fever, ascites, bronchitis, cough, leprosy, skin diseases, colic and lumbago. Compared to white variety, this variety has more purgative potency. Useful parts : Root, Leaves, Flowers, Seeds, Oil.
41. Ayurvedic Name:Chuvanna mandram
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Bauhinia variegata Linn. (Bauhinia purpuria Linn.).
Features:A large moderate sized deciduous tree grows up to 10 meters in height. Leaves compound with 2 leaflets, connate for about two third up, flowers white, axillary recemes, fruits flat dehiscent pods, containing 5-10 seeds.
Plant pacifies vitiated kapha, diarrhea, skin diseases, rectal prolapse, diabetes, inflammations, worms, tumors, hemorrhoids, menorrhagia hemoptysis and cervical lymphadinopathy.Useful part : Bark, Flowers, Root.
42. Ayurvedic Name:Chuvanna Nalumanichedi.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Mirabilis jalapa Linn. (Red Variety).
Features:A small glabrous herb grows up to 0.5 meters in height, with succulent stems. Leaves simple, opposite, ovate acute, with long petiole. Flowers bright ret, arises in leaf axils, with peculiar property to bloom on 4 O clock and hence the name. Fruits small akenes, with a small round black seed.
Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, fever, syphilis, inflammation, burns and scalds, and general debility.Useful part : Roots, Leaves.
43. Ayurvedic Name:Chuvanna niruri.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Breynia rhamnoides Muell.
Features:A large shrub grows up to 4 meters in height. Leaves simple, alternate, ovate lanceolate and acute. Flowers very small, axillary and unisexual. Fruits small globose grayish green, become red when ripe, contain single globose seed.
Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, kapha, tonsillitis, hemorrhage, menorrhagia, leucorrhea, edema, diabetes, and dental caries. Useful part : Whole plant.
44. Ayurvedic Name:Couliflower.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Brassica cauliflora (DC.), (B. caulocarpa.).
Features:An erect biennial grows up to 50 cm in height. Leaves simple, basal and lower cauline, stout, dull green and upper leaves oblong-linear, fleshy, pale yellow. Flowers large, pale yellow in terminal racemes. Fruits linear pods, one seeded, seed brown and globose.
Plant pacifies vitiated vata, pitta, itching, skin diseases, Rheumatoid arthritis, worm infestation, diarrhea, cough, asthma, fever, bacterial infections, hemorrhoids, and gouty arthritis. Flower bud is commonly used as a vegetable. Useful part : Flower bud.
45. Ayurvedic Name:Communist pacha.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Chromolaena odorata King & Robinson.
Features:An annual or biennial herb grows up to 3 meters in height. Leaves simple, opposite, ovate, or rhomboid, serrate, or dentate, long petioled and bright green colored. Flowers white, seen in terminal or axillary panicled heads. Seeds small and is crowned with silky hairs for wind dispersion.
Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, burns, hemorrhages, hemorrhoids, indigestion, skin diseases, traumatic injury, edema, fracture and infection. Useful part : Whole plant.
47. Ayurvedic Name:Chuvanna puliyarila.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Oxalis violacea Linn.
Features:An annual herb found in moist locations. Plant is a semi erect creeping acid herb, grows up to 20 cm in height. Leaves palmately compound, trifoliate, long stalked, with the shape of a shamrock. Flowers bright violet red and axillary. Fruits are cylindrical capsules, seeds numerous.
Plant pacifies vata, kapha, dyspepsia, hemorrhoids, dysentery, diarrhea, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, hepatitis and burning sensation. Useful part : Whole plant.
48. Ayurvedic Name:Chempakam.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Michelia champaca Linn.
Features:Moderate sized tree grows up to 30 meters. Leaves are simple, alternate, oblong, and lanceolate, length 15-20 cm. upper surface smooth, lower hairy. Flowers are yellowish with fragrance, solitary and axillary. Fruits are long ovoid or ellipsoid capsules. Seeds are small and red colored. Germinative capacity of seeds is poor.
Plant pacifies vitiated tridosha, Detoxify poison, worm infestation, increase digestive power, diuretic and cures fever. Flowers reduce burning sensation, cures skin disease and ulcer. Dictation of the bark acts as remedy for amenorrhea. Useful part : Whole plant.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
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